Week 1

Hello! I’m Kalissa, I’m an AAOT student at Linn-Benton Community College and I’m just trying to work on my degree while focusing on finding something I’m passionate about to eventually pursue a career in. I don’t really have a specific dream job—well, I guess I do. If I could do anything without having to worry about money I would travel around the world, take pictures, and write, so I guess that would be a travel journalist or an author, but neither of those seems very stable or realistic so I probably won’t end up doing either of those. 

I took this class because it both seemed fun, and I thought it would give me a little taste of what journalism would be like. Since I'm not sure of what job I want to pursue, I take a lot of classes with the hope of just exploring and finding things that I like. Don't get me wrong when I said I would take pictures as part of my dream job, I have no clue what I'm doing. I did take Yearbook in high school so I have a bit of experience from that, but I was never taught how to actually take good pictures, and after my freshman year I ended up taking on a more managerial role and not taking as many photos. It's honestly been years since I really tried to take pictures. 

The sky during sunset at Ankeny Hill Resort & Boarding.

Three goals I have for the class are...

  1. Become more comfortable taking pictures in public.
  2. Gain confidence talking to people (ex. getting their names for captions).
  3. Feel comfortable sharing my pictures and my writing with other people.

Three photos I took this week...

The view from the base of a tree on the shore of Thomas Creek next to Hannah Bridge. 

The view through Hannah Bridge in Linn County, Oregon.

One of the weathered bucks at Richmond Ranch.


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